Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Club Rules
2. No illegal drugs are to be brought on the premises, this includes the parking lot, if you are caught, you will be asked to leave and not return.
3. No prostitution allowed, if your caught you will also be asked to leave and not return.
4. You must present your membership card at the door everytime you come for a party. Not having your membership card will result in you having to purchase a new membership at the full membership rate.
5. No cameras, video or recording equipment permitted in the building, this includes camera phones, please leave them in the car.
6. No smoking, eating, drinking or street clothes allowed upstairs or the hot tub area.
7. No cigar or pipe smoking of any kind in the club, if you wish to smoke those please step outside on the back deck.
Breaking the rules will either get you a warning or you will be asked to leave. This is up to the judgment of the staff. Continuous disregard for the rules will terminate your membership for good. If you are asked to leave or banned from the club, no refunds on membership or party fees will be given. If you are having a problem with anyone at the club at any time please see a staff member, we'd be more than happy to help in any situation. If you don't tell someone there is a problem we can't help correct it.